• The first few weeks on the Ridge

    The first few weeks on the Ridge

    Our first few weeks were filled with blackberries, hikes, bikes and swimming. The pictures tell most of the story and I’m writing this long after the fact just so you can get a feel for the passage of time since we arrived. I stopped writing pretty much as soon as we got here and I thought you might like to see some of what went down since. I’ll keep the words to a minimum and the pics to the max!

  • Friday, July 24 – Mina to the Ridge!

    Friday, July 24 – Mina to the Ridge!

    My notes say we got up around 6:30 on July 24th at Sunshine Valley. We took our time, had some coffee and breakfast and then turned around to dump the sewer tank. Off we went around the back of the campground. We took a left, went a block or so and then took a right on Main Street (not sure if that’s the name) but it’s route 95 right through the middle of town. We drove to the edge of town and there were our buddies, the road painter guys. They had traffic stopped! So, we sat at the edge of Mina for a half hour before we could leave town. The lady in the pickup in front of us smoked about four cigarettes in the time it took us to start rolling. Once underway, we followed a pace truck.all the way to the next town of Luning where they had the traffic heading in the other direction stopped and backed up for a half mile. What a pain in the arse! I hope they’re making a LOT of money for that job.

    We passed through Hawthorne, Nevada. This was the place that had all the bunkers in the ground. I noticed a couple to the left and then a couple hundred to the right and then I noticed they were EVERYWHERE! I had no idea what they were but I was speculating missal silos or some shit. I made a note to look it up and didn’t do it until just now. Holy shit! There’s a lot of damn ammunition in the ground in Hawthorne, Nevada (click the link above to check it out)!

    Just past the town of Hawthorne you drive by Walker Lake. It’s quite huge and looks very inviting in this dusty, rocky, hot landscape all around this area. There are a bunch of beaches all along the highway. Most were totally vacant on this day. Probably closed due to the Covid. We didn’t check any out but they looked inviting!

    The next sight, other than desert, hills, rocks, far off mountains and dust, was a brand new looking, highly fortified, defense contractor site off to our left. Barbed wire topped chain link fence all around. I thought it was a prison but it was too nice and new and swanky. Then we rolled through Silver Springs on 439 and, shortly after that, we started to see huge distribution centers for Walmart, a Tesla Gigafactory and all kinds of other distribution and logistics shit all over the place. We were coming up to highway 80. Just before hopping on 80 you cross the Truckee River and it’s pretty huge and inviting!

    Once on 80 we headed for Reno to pickup some supplies. We stopped at a Walmart and got groceries and then had lunch in the camper in the parking lot. Then we hit a camper dealer to get a power adaptor for our spot on the ridge and a few more toys. We filled the propane tank and then it was off to the Ridge!

    We took 80 up over the pass and then turned off onto 20 and started the descent to the 49 just outside of Grass Valley. The ride on 20 was fast and furious. These folks know how to drive on these two lane, windy California mountain highways. Fast! We followed a couple of trucks that were cruising! Pammie was thinking we were coming the other way because we’ve always flown into Sacramento and then traveled east but now we’re coming in from the east! In a short while we hit the 49 turnoff. Then we cruise by the Willo!! Down into the Yuba River canyon. Twity, turny, windy, down, down, down then the same in reverse up, up, up, windy, turny, twisty. Over the top of this ridge, past Peterson’s – closed due to the Covid – then up the ridge to North San Juan! Past the Brass Rail – out of business due to the Covid – past the convenience store – cranking busy as always Covid or no – right on Oak Tree and then a left into our new temporary home!

    I pulled in down by the garden and Special ran over to Judith’s to tell her we just drove in. Judith came out and greeted us. Taylor wasn’t here because he was either working or dropping Canyon off at his Mom’s. He showed up a bit later and we commenced to parking the rig in it’s new home. WE MADE IT! (more pics to come)