Moving into ’14

A quick fire in a brisk breeze as the mercury drops
A quick fire in a brisk breeze as the mercury drops

Happy New Year y’all! Hope the days ahead are loaded with inspiration with out too much perspiration involved. Pam and I disappeared for the holidays in the newly long-haul christened party bus. Clear down to North Carolina did we trek in search of…… NOTHING! And, guess w’happened??! WE FOUND IT! I’m working on a photo gallery but in the meantime, < this will have to do!
NOW, back to the business of making music, teaching music and staying inspired by all the amazing people around us doing the same thing and keeping the air moving with positive vibrations. Here are a few shows coming up. Some wonderful music and some good causes too! If you can’t make it out to one of these, get out and see anyone you can, we ALL APPRECIATE your interest and support!
Sunday, January 12th – 2nd Christian Congregational Church Jazz Service – 2CCUCC Kittery – 10AM – C’mon, don’t let the J word scare you! This Church is GREAT! Pastor Brad Hirst is the hippest preacher around and how can you go wrong with Mike Effenberger as the music director with Jim Rudolf and myself accompanying the 2CCUCC choir!? This week’s featured Jazz Composer is Cedar Walton. C’mon in and feel the LOVE!
Sunday, January 19th – Martin Luther King Concert to Benefit the Seacoast Family Food PantryMiddle Street Baptist Church, Portsmouth, NH – 6PM – This is ALWAYS a fun time with some great musicians for a GREAT cause; the Food Bank. Join Master of Ceremony Kelvin Edwards, Sandpipers under the musical direction of Tamara Rozek , Youth Jazz Ensemble PMAC under the direction of Matt Langley, Lillian Buckley, Kent Allyn, Matt Langley, Bob McCarthy, Courtney Holloway and the Voices of New Hope, TJ Wheeler, John Marshall, Lisa Marshall, and Cynthia Chatis.
Tuesday January 21st – Jazz Dept. Student Recital at Concord Community Music School – Wall St, Concord NH – 7PM – CCMS is one of my favorite places in my relatively small sphere of existence. On the night of the Jazz Dpt. student recital you get to hear all the great students, some of their teachers and who knows who else. It’s always inspiring so if you’re in the area, come on in and, if your not, get on over to the Concord Community Music School!
Wednesday, January 22nd – MMF’S – The Press Room, 77 Daniel St Portsmouth, NH – 8PM – A rollicking night at the Press Room will be had by all at the hands of Frank Laurino, Mike Effenberger, Steve Roy and Myself while we wander through a collection of music from Hank Mobley to Led Zeppelin with some side journeys to the Police and Stevie Wonder. Come on in and take the trip with us!
Friday, January 24th – CCMS Faculty Jazz RecitalConcord Community Music School – 7 & 9PM – WAHOOOO! The CCMS Faculty rectial. When I get to play with all the great Jazz Faculty at CCMS in front of a wonderful crowd in the community room at CCMS. Join David Tonkin, John Faggiano, Tom Robinson, Richard Gardzina, Tim Gimore, Don Williams and myself. We have a great set of music prepared for you. Get your Tix early because this one sells out quickly!
Sunday, January 26th – JOSA with Vocalist/Trumpeter Christine Fawson – Eastman, Grantham, NH – 4PM – Bill Wightman’s Jazz on a Sunday Afternoon series is in it’s 23rd year and the reason is Bill’s persistent booking of wonderful talent. Christine Fawson is just such an internationally renowned talent and you really shouldn’t miss a chance to hear her perform. Tickets available here: