I haven’t posted in the Eurovan travels category in some time. Just in case you are wondering what the heck is going on, there’s been a big change. Our last trip in the Eurovan was a takeout dinner from Greenleaves that we took to Long sands in York, Maine. Shortly after we decided to clean her up and try to sell her. We put her on Craigslist and Facebook marketplace in November. We got a few bites but nothing solid. Some time fairly soon after we posted her we got an email from a company called poprv’s. They offered to sell her for our asking price plus a commission. We’d get what we wanted and they would as well. Sounded like a no brainer so we signed up.
Shortly after New Years we dropped the price and started to get some action. We got a visit from the buyer, his dad AND his son and I knew she was going to a good home. They took her for a spin around the block and, presto, sold! Their family is in the VW business with an uncle that has a garage. They were going to put her right in the shop the minute she got to Rhode Island.
I think Pammie might have shed a tear when she pulled away. We’ll always miss her but it’s good to know she’ll roll again after getting some much needed attention. We drove her 100k+. Went as far west as Montana. As far north as Toronto and as far south as North Carolina. She treated us well. Had some issues you’d expect for a 15+ year old vehicle with 100k miles when we bought her. We never had transmission issues or any other major nightmares like that. The buyers said it was in the best condition of any they looked at. They cou;don’t believe we had the “elusive middle seat” and the condition it was in. They also couldn’t believe how we had kept up with the body and not let rust eat away at her.
So goodbye Ms. Party Van, the white ghost, Eunice the Eurovan. Happy trails. We still love you!