Author: mattlang

  • Music, Travel and Lawn Mowers…

    Nick Mainella, Matt Langley and Chris Klaxton at the Buoy 022110
    The Aporky Horns

    We’re going on vacation this month!!! Out to visit the kids in Montana and California, but before we go….you gotta come checkout the PMAC Jazz Faculty Recital at the West End Theater, this Saturday, March 6th! We’ve got a great band featuring Chris Klaxton on Trumpet, Nate Therrien on Bass, Mike Effenberger on Piano, Mike Walsh on Drums, Brian Killough on Guitar and Russ Grazier on Saxophones.
    When we get back, I’ll hit Empire in Portland, ME on March 25th for a night of big band music with the Fogcutter Big Band, Portland’s hottest new big band playing some of the Ellington’s wonderful big band charts among many others.
    Sunday, March 28th, I’ll head back up to JOSA in Grantham, NH to join the house band in welcoming saxophonist Cercie Miller.
    Monday, March 29th I’ll be back at the best music venue in the Northeast; The Press Room in Portsmouth, NH for a night with Color featuring Jamie Decato on Drums and Chris Decato on keys and bass.
    I’ll keep you posted on more music in April! In the meantime, I’ve been bending a lot of ears in the past few months about my new human powered lawn tractor. Well the cat’s out of the bag now! The builder of my bike is Ted Wojcik of Ted Wojcik Custom Cycles and Ted just got back from the North American Hand Made Bike Show where he featured the mower along with a collection of his other bikes. Seems the mower has started to cause a bit of a stir…read the cycleisious article.

  • 010110 and other dates to ponder

    sammy eyes the prize(s)A new decade?! Zoiks!! I was just getting used to the last one. Ahhh, what is time, anyway other than something to mess with when you’re making music or something to ignore when you’ve got some to yourself. Personally, I won’t miss ’09 a bit and that is just about that! Here are a few opportunities to mark the passage of time with some sweet sounds in the crispy, crackly brand spankin’ new weeks of 2K10.
    Monday, Jan 11 – The FTET at the Press Room – Mike Effenberger’s take on an organ based quartet featuring Chris Klaxton on trumpet and Jim Rudolph on drums. Tunes ranges from Shorter to Radiohead to Monk to Pink Floyd to….Come on in and soak up some sounds and suds.
    Sunday, Jan 17 – JOSA with Greg Abate – I’ll make the pilgrimage to Grantham NH to perform with Bill Wightman and the JOSA band along with featured artist Greg Abate. Should be a great time with Tim Gilmore on Drums, Don Williams on Bass, Bill on piano and other special guests. Details and ticket info here:
    Friday, Jan 22 – Jazz in January at Concord Community Music School – The annual faculty jazz concert at CCMS is always a sellout so get your tickets early! Featuring David Tonkin on Guitar, Tom Robinson on Piano, Tim Gilmore and John Faggiano on Drums and Richard Gardzina on Saxophones. More details and ticket info here:
    Saturday, Jan 30 – Boogaloo Nights at The Press Room – Jim Dozet’s bumpin’ quartet with Chris Thurston on Drums and Jeremy on B3, playing a rockin’ night of boogaloo grooves. Join us on the dance floor.
    Sunday, Jan 31 – Composer’s Forum at The Buoy, Kittery, ME – Aporkalypse Now (the composer’s forum) features a host of composers from the seacoast and beyond – Mike Effenberger, Nate Therrien, Chris Klaxton, Jonny Peiffer, Andres Espinosa, and more – in a monthly performance of original works and arrangements performed by the composers and arrnagers themselves.  This month we feature arrangements of the compositions of Charles Mingus. More details here:  buoygallery myspace page