So you’re a twin, eh? Happy June to both of you and I hope you both enjoy it equally although I know you won’t. And to the rest of you non-gemini types, thanks for stopping by and checking in. I’ve got some fun gigs coming up that I’ll tell you about in a moment but first, a little non-music news you might enjoy. I got the Zool running this spring with a little help from my friend Mike Rossi. Mike is a great bass player but he’s also an outdoor enthusiast well versed in the art of bicycle repair. He had some great suggestions for beefing up the power train on the Zool so now she sports a couple stainless steel Surly chain rings and a nickel chain. The first mow was kick ass. I dragged that 60 pound mowing reel up and over hill and dale, through the mud, over gravel and more! I even fell off the seat on an incline just as Pam came back down the driveway from a walk with her friend Karen. That’s not the first time I’ve fallen off a bike in the driveway in front of Pam. Anyhow…the Zool is up and running and cutting the grass beautifully. This is the fourth year of cutting my lawn with a bike. Okay, musically speaking, here’s some stuff to check out this month.
Wednesday, June 6th, 8PM – Jazz Vespers, Unitarian Church, Newburyport, MA – I’ll join old pal Danny Harrington at the Newburyport Unitarian church on Pleasant street for a jazz vespers service run by Lark Madden. I’m really looking forward to making some music with Danny again. It’s been too long! C’mon down and get some jazz with your Jesus.
Sunday, June 10th, 10AM – Jazz Service, 2nd Congregational Church, Kittery, ME – The final Jazz service at 2CCUCC in Kittery. You should really come by and join pastor Brad Hirst and the entire congregation when we celebrate the word of the lord mixed with the sounds of jazz from music director Mike Effenberger, Drummer Jim Rudolf, Myself and the 2CCUCC Choir. It’s a wonderful way to start a Sunday of reflection or…
Sunday, June 10th, Noon – Jazz Brunch, Rudi’s, Portsmouth, NH – Join Tom Robinson and I for some jazzy victuals in Portsmouth’s finest quiet jazz bar/bistro. The food is delicious, the drinks are delectable and Tommy and I are like a fine wine; improving with age and bound to make you glow with a warm radiance. Really, you’ll enjoy it so come on in.
Monday, June 11, 6PM – David Tonkin Quartet, Barley House, Concord, NH – The end of an era. The Tonky 2nd Monday Series at the Barley House concludes on June 11 BUT next month we come back on the FIRST monday of the month! Mark your calendars and then plan to join us tonight for a mix f Jazz, Blues and Whatever else comes to mind. The summer months tend to bring in more guests too so bring your horn along!
Saturday, June 16th, 1PM – Los3 + ME, Kittery Block Party, Kittery ME – SWEET, Matt Jenson’s Los3 featuring Alex Alvear and Pablo Bencid have been playing a bunch lately and they’re sounding great I’m sure. For the Kittery Block Party I get to invade with my saxomophone for a set of great music, dancing and great vibes. Stick around all day at the block party. There’s going to be tons of great food, music, stuff to buy, people to watch and just general GOOD TIMES! Then head over to…
Saturday, June 16th, 9:30PM – Combo Sabroso, The Press Room, Portsmouth, NH – The band grows a little, and we cross the “middle” bridge to keep the pahhty going in Portsmouth. One of the few CS hits in Portsmouth this summer so it should be a smokin’ good time. Plan to dance a lot with someone you love…or someone you want to love?
Monday, June 18th, 8PM – Matt Langley Quartet, The Press Room, Portsmouth, NH – This is going to be the debut of a quartet that Tom Robinson put together but tonight I’m going to call it mine because I booked the gig, dig? Whatever you call it, this is a great group of musicians and we’re going to play our own music. Tom Robinson on keyboard, Tim Gilmore on Drums, Rob Gerry on Bass and Myself on saxes. Come hear some original jazz in Portsmouth’s greatest live music venue.
Friday, June 22nd, Lady Luck Burlesque, The Music Hall, Portsmouth, NH – Jess Betcher and the ladies AND Nevin Brown and the band have been busting their hump putting together a Music Hall worthy show. This is one you shouldn’t miss!
Saturday, June 23rd 2, Noon – Hartland Vt Jazz Festival, Hartland Vermont– The David Tonkin band with special guest Randy Roos will invade the tiny hamlet of Hartland, Vt. for Peter Concilio’s Hartland Jazz Fest. There will be tons of great music on this day in Hartland but after our set we’ll load up the wagons and head down to…
Saturday, June 23rd, Time TBD, Granite State Music Festival, David Tonkin Band – We’ll storm the stage with Randy Roos joining in at the mighty Granite State music Festival in Concord, NH. Tons of great music here too all day long. Get yourself a ticet for both days because… on below!
Saturday, June 23rd, 9PM – The FTET, The Barley House, Concord, NH – I’ll hang around Concord taking in the festival so I can play the after party with the hardest working man in ANY business; Mike Effenberger. I’m sure by the time we hit at the Barley he will have played at least 6 gigs already that day! Doesn’t seem to phase the lad a ta. He just cranks out great music every time he sits at a keyboard of whatever sort he chooses to abuse. Jim Rudolf, Nick Mainella and I always have a blast going along for the ride.
Sunday, June 24th, Time TBD – Donkilo!, Granite State Music Festival, Concord, NH – Yup, back in Concord for more of the ‘fest with Dave Kobrenski’s Donkilo afrofunk orkestra. Randy Roos will be along on this one as well as Mike Effenberger I believe. This will be a rocking good time and this is why you should buy a two day ticket!
Friday, June 29th, 7PM – Tom Robinson Quartet, The Purple Pit, Concord, NH – Tom Robinson has assembled a great band for this night at the Pit. You may have read about it earlier under another musician’s name :). This will be a night of original music performed by Tom Robinson on piano, Rob Gerry on Bass, Tim Gilmore on drums and myself on saxophones. The Purple Pit is Concord’s new jazz venue so come on out and support this great new club.
Thanks for taking the time to visit. Let me know if you have questions about any of these gigs or any coming up. I’d love to see you and to hang at one of these gigs or out and about at any live music, theater or art event.
Author: mattlang
June…Happy Day fellow Geminis
A whole bunch o’ live jazz and such
Just got back from vacation with the kids down in sunny Florida. We had a blast. It was SOOOOO good to hang out with the entire family and it’s been waaaaay too long. Miss Erin here is still out in Montana living it up in big sky country and Taylor is still up in Tahoe crankin’ out the Sushi and good times. There’s a rumor in the air about a rather lengthy bike trip for number one son sometime this summer but we won’t spill the beans here until it’s set in stone. Who knows, maybe the old man, yours truly, will get to spend some time on the road with the BOY! Sure hope so! So, back at it up here in the pine tree state, I’ve got a gaggle of great gigs coming right up here. A brief rundown…..
Thursday, May 10, 9PM – Tim Webb, Luther Gray, Matt Langley – The Press Room, Portsmouth NH – Oh, this is going to be a fun one! I haven’t played with either of these gents in a while and I’m really looking forward to it. Tim always has a bunch of great ideas so come on out and join us for some great live jazz at Portsmouth’s Music Mecca!
Saturday, May 12, 9PM – Donkilo! – Penuche’s Ale House, Concord, NH – The Donks are back at the ‘nuche for a funky good time in basement. This group had a great show at the Press Room a few nights ago and this one promises to be a good one too. Dave Kobrenski on fula flute, kamalen’goni and djembe, Randy Roos on guitar, Mike Rossi on Bass, Jared Steer on Drums and Tommy Robinson on Keys. You should be there too!
Sunday, May 13, 8PM – Jared Steer, Mike Rossi, Joe Deleaut, Matt Langley – The Barley Pub, Dover, NH – Jared Steer drives the bus tonight and who knows where we’ll end up. One thing is for sure, it’ll be a wild ride. C’mon out, enjoy some great live jazz and check out the latest beer selection at Dover’s jazz hot spot, the Barley Pub.
Monday, May 14, 6PM – David Tonkin Group – The Barley House, Concord, NH – YES, YES, YES!!! The BARLEY TOUR…two nights in a row in clubs named after Barley! C’mon! This is the regular live jazz hang with Mr. Tonkin and the boys; Tim Gilmore on Drums, Don Williams on Bass and myself on saxes. We frequently have guests on the bandstand and lots of friends in the audience. This is always a good time with great music. C’mon out and PLAY!
Wednesday, May 16, 8PM – Aporkalypse Now/Mary Halverson Group – Buoy, Kittery, ME – This will be an incredible night of great jazz right down the street in Kittery, Maine. Brooklyn Guitarist Mary Halvorson brings her band to Kittery to promote their latest CD. One visit to her website will tell you that she plays with EVERYBODY in New York and her band is going to be WONDERFUL. The Seacoast’s Aprokalypse Now, a forum for some great talent on the seacoast featuring Jonny Peiffer on drums & Compositions, Mike Effenberger on Keys & Comps, Nate Therrien on Bass and Comps, Zach Lange on Trumpet & Comps, Nick Mainella on Saxes & Comps, Erik Klaxton on Saxes & Comps (starting to get the idea?!) and myself on….yup. Buoy is an intimate listening space. BYOB….don’t miss this show!!!
That should do it for a few days. Thanks for stopping by and for supporting live music, art, dance and theater!