The air is getting crisp. The mornings are chilly and dark. Leaves are blowing everywhere and the colors are getting more stunning by the day. Fall is taking over. That also means more teaching, lots of rehearsals and some much needed time in the woodshed…putting away the massive pile of wood…and ironing out a wrinkle or two or a couple hundred in the technique. Hopefull you’re chipping away at your “woodpile”…now, for a few gigs to warm your earlobes at, please read on!
Sunday, October 3rd – 8PM – The FTET at The Barley Pub, Dover, NH. The control of the FTET returns to its creator, Mike Effenberger after a successful hijacking I pulled off last week. We’ll put a unique spin on a great collection of tunes from Pink Floyd, Monk, Radiohead, Jefferson Starship…you get the idea! Bring your thirst for music and great beer and I’m confident you’ll go away happy.
Monday, October 12th – 8PM – David Tonkin Group at the Barley House, Concord, NH. Tonky, Donnie, Timmy and Myselfski, getting down on an eclectic repertoire of tunes. Rumor has it Randy Roos may show up this week, Tommy Robinson usually pokes his head in and Richard Gardzina has been know to fly in as well. Should be fun per usual.
Sunday, October 18th – 8PM – Aporkalypse Now at the Barley Pub, Dover, NH. A composer collective featuring Jonny Peiffer, Mike Effenberger, Nate Therrien, Chris Klaxton, Nick Mainella, Aaron Hartley, Myself and….did miss anyone? All orginal tunes or original arrangements for the group.
Sunday, October 25th – 8PM – Aporkalypse Now at the Buoy, Kittery ME. Johnny Peiffer and the folks at the Buoy have been working hard on putting together a regular monthly venue for this group. This will be the first of what we hope are many great nights at the Buoy. Join us for an exciting night of creative, original music.
Saturday, October 31st – 9PM – ILevel at the Press Room, Portsmouth, NH. I’ll be masquerading as a member of Matt Jenson’s ILevel. T’row on the costume and come dance to a kickin’ mix of reggae and latin tunes at Portsmouth’s best live music venue.