Finally! We’re warming up, thawing out and getting outside. Pam and I turned over the vegetable patch this weekend and dumped the first pile of stanky compost into the soil. Dang, we eat a lot of eggs! Picking egg shells out of a bowl of scramblers is one thing but try picking them out of a rather large pile of dirt…that smells like #$%^. Now that’s a good time. Anything for some fresh tomatoes! Here’s some music you can harvest in May without getting too dirty
Friday, May 1: Avante Coast “Call it Anything” at The Kittery Studio – This a new venue for the Avante Coast crew and this is going to be a great night. The band includes Chris Klaxton (trumpet), Thom Keith (saxophones), Matt
Langley (saxophones), Jonathan Paul (guitar), Mark Barnette (drums), and Tim Webb (bass) and we’ll experiment with combinations of musicians from time to time. The Kittery Studio is at 5 Shapleigh Road (Dan’s Crossing on Route 236), Kittery, ME. The show starts at 8. If you need directions or a personally delivered prodding, give me a call 207 337 2375 or send an email.
Saturday, May 9: Combo Sabroso at Amazing Things Arts Center Matt Jensen’s Latin band in a concert setting at the Amazing Things Arts Center. Last time we played here we had a great time and we’re looking forward to returning and maybe even making the chinese food hang afterward. C’mon down and join us.
Monday, May 11: David Tonkin Group at The Barley House, Concord NH – Tonky and the boys serving up a heaping helping of 12 note stew with a serious side of your favorite tune or two. Tim Gilmore, Don Williams, David Tonkin and myself along with whoever else decides to bring their utensils. We’d love to dine with you.
Saturday, May 16th: Combo Sabroso at The Muddy River, Portsmouth, NH – The latin vibes of Matt Jensen’s Combo Sabroso head north to a new venue for us – The Muddy River. The dance floor is nice and big, the sound system is nice and loud and the ribs are kickin’. Come get a little greazy with tasty combo.
Monday, May 18th: Matt Langley/Tm O’Dell Quartet at The Press Room, Portsmouth, NH – An all too rare appearance of this quartet. O’Dell has some new music for this night and i might have a new one or two as well. This band also features Jim Lyden on Bass and Luther Gray on drums.