Hey all. Thanks for stopping by. Here’s what’s up in the short run.
Friday night 5/18 will be a good night for tunage at the Dogfish in Portland, Maine. Jan, Curtis, Jimmy and I will be on hand. The Dog is a good hang with great food and a some good beers too! C’Mon by and say hello.
Sunday afternoon 5/20 is the PMAC adult ensemble recital. Check pmaconline.org for info. The adult jazz ensemble is ripping it up thanks in no small part to Jose Duque’s drumming and direction when I’m not around (…all too often!..)
Monday 5/21 COLOR will be at the Press Room…pay no attention to the Press Room calendar…it’s really an all too rare appearance of color with the immensely talented jamie decato on drums and chris decato on the resurrected fender rhodes. Get the kids, tell your friends, we’d love to see you there!
I think that’ll do it for now. In the pic? Taylor’s artwork on display at the Barn Gallery in Kennebunk. He’s got some photography chops and some great ideas! Hope to see a lot more.
More later…thanks again.