Crystal clear morning once again.
Couple motorcycle dudes took our spot last night. Talked to them a bit this am. They went from Michigan to Alaska and are now headed back.
Cooked breakfast of bacon and cheesy eggs. Into Bozeman to pickup the girl.
Picked up Erin. Went shopping at heebs for lunchables and headed to Elkhorn State Park which is somewhat of a ghost town although some people still live there. Lunch in elkhorn state park. Hiked up to the graveyard which sat high on top of a hill and afforded a beautiful view of the town of elkhorn and the incredible surrounding hills. Spent a while in the park photographing gravestones. Hiked back down and then drove up into the village.
Met a man and his daughter walking down the hill to his car, that had just had open heart surgery 5 weeks earlier. The dude looked great!
Explored some buildings then walked up the hill towards the mine.
Too hot for too much more exploring. Loaded up and drove back down the entrance road.
Taylor and I swam in the river at the bottom of the road. Taylor jumped off the bridge, did a foot grab and landed in what turned out to be rather shallow water. He was fine but took on a lot of sand in his pockets. I jumped off the shore in what turned out to be shallower water than it looked and bumped me arse on the rocks below. Not a word to anyone, okay!?
We decide to check out the lewis and clark caverns.
Drive up the road to the caverns. Half hour wait for a tour. We hang put in the lot and have a beer.
Tour starts. The caverns are beautiful. Cool, colorful and huge. We spend two hours walking through the caves.
We head back to bozeman for pizza and beer. Try the brewery but they ate closing.
Columbo pizza. Great meal and great conversation about government invasion of our privacy. Also aids, cancer and survival of the fittest.
Back to bozeman and we camp on a street in town. Very quiet and slept like a log.