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Fall Full Moon What a day! I’ve been trying to be good and avoid talking politics too much with anyone but my friends who are into discussing politics. I’ve been laying out on watching the news on TV for about 2 years now too. But….today the war mongers got a little wake up call from the people and I got more and more and more elated as the day went on. Then, the icing on the cake…Rummy quits! Holy cats…does life get any better?! I even went so far as to flip on the news tonight and I tried to listen to the Idiot for a while fielding questions about working with the Democrats but then I glazed over, got angry at his snippy, I’m above having to answer questions by the likes of you attitude and decided to watch the Celtics…WIN ONE! Holy Cats…

Speaking of cats. We said goodbye to the nicest cat we have ever had the pleasure to know, hold, cuddle with, curse, open the door a million times for and feed on Monday 11/06/06. Oliver the muscular, slinky orange tabby went the way of Woody, Rusty, Cutie and Blackie (I think?) and passed away from his injuries sustained when he was struck by some motherfucker on the road out in front of our house. I know the motherfucker didn’t do it on purpose but that makes me feel a little better…you motherfuckin, dumbass, shithead, blindass lousy fuckin driver, we forgive you. Ollie is now buried under the trees just beyond the zap wire we installed to keep Sampson the Mississippi hound dog from running off and getting hit by some dumb blindass driver doing sixty down our road. Just beneath the trees in the picture that accompanies this post. Ollie used to mess with Sampson and go just beyond the wire and then lie down and roll around and make Sammy bark until we would come out and yell at him. What a great cat. Erin found him and wrapped him in a towel and brought his broken body home. We all miss him.

October may have been the best month I have ever had musically. The gig with Dee Williams on the cape was a blast and I met some wonderful musicians. I got a chance to reacquaint myself with an old friend and one of the best drummers in the business, Matt Wilson. Thanks Chris Humphrey for hooking that up and thanks Matt, Martin Wind , Mark Shilansky and Chris for making that an incredible gig! I got to play with one of my favorite saxophone players, Mr. Oliver Lake and it was a total blast. Thanks Curtis Clark for bringing Oliver to Portland, Maine and making that gig happen and thanks to Jim Lyden and Jan Van Voorst for making such great music. That gig was recorded and I’ll post some of it here eventually. Color improvised a sound track for the grandpappy of all vampire movies. Thanks to Jose Duque, Chris Decato and Jamie Decato for making that an incredible night and thanks to Mickey Blanchette for thinking of us to do that and Trevor for pulling it off. There will be more! Then Tim O’Dell and I hooked up for a great gig with Luther Gray and Jim Lyden. Too bad that month had to come to a close!
This month the Jan Van Voorst Quartet will be at the Dogfish Grill in Portland Maine on Fleet street every friday night. I’m going to pay a visit to Tom Whitehead’s jazz series at Chicky’s Diner in Westbrook, ME on the 22nd. The David Tonkin Quartet will be over in Concord, NH at The Barley House on the 13th . My adult jazz ensemble at PMAC will be in a recital at the North Church in Portmouth on the 17th and there may be some more stuff going on that I’m forgetting. Check the calendar and thanks for stopping by.