Woke up at 6am. Pammie 6:30. Got into the showers at KOA early but everyone was up early too! Gotta get the tailpipe fixed on the Eurovan. She started sounding a little throaty in Fargo. Discovered the tailpipe was dangling. Called the muffla joint where Erin got her muffla fixed last time Pam was here. 2:00 appointment. Perfect!
Erin goes to work at one today. Pammie’s finding us a place to live. Out of koa at 9:30. Into town to hang with Erin before she goes to work. This is my first visit to Erin’s apartment and my first visit to her quiet street in Bozeman. We’ll spend a lot of time on this street while we’re here but today, we’re just stopping by. It seems totally cool to park the van intown by Erin’s place.
We pick Erin up at her apartment and walk into Bozeman. We decide to get some chow at the intown coop. Walk Erin to work. Check in at Bear Canyon Campground. We relax a bit and do nothing. Open up the Eurovan and enjoy the beautiful, clean Bozeman air. We hear the train go by…and again…whoa, again. Seems the train goes by just about every half hour and blows the whistle at every crossing all the way through Bozeman. Welcome to the wild, wild west where the trains run a LOT!
As we’re hangin’ we notice, from our “secluded” spot – which amounts to the next to last campsite, just after the “cabin”, one site away from the dumpster – that the parking lot right across from us is filling up. Lots ‘o traffic. We’re thinking it’s the locals coming up to swim in the pool. Time to take a trip to the grocery store for something to cook for dinner.
We drive in to Bozeman and the first place we come to is Heeb’s. This is a great store with a good selection of groceries and BEER! After a short shopping spree we go back to the campsite and cook up a nice dinner. A chicken, mushroom, potato, garlic stew accompanied by a fine Malbec. We pull down the roll-up table Taylor gave me and eat while viewing an incredibly long and breathtakingly beautiful sunset. Shortly after that, Nighty night!